20 May 2024
Robertson wins big at CCS National Site Awards
A total of 16 Robertson construction sites were honoured at the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) National Site Awards.
The National Site Awards recognise the efforts made by teams to be considerate neighbours.
The CCS is an independent organisation that aims to raise standards in the construction industry while promoting the positive messages of ethical working, competent management, and environmental awareness.
The sites were recognised for their commitment to creating value in the surrounding communities, while also demonstrating respect for the public, our workforce and the wider environment.
Gold Award:
- Perth High School for Perth and Kinross Council (Robertson Construction Tayside)
Silver Award:
- Institute of Genetics and Cancer for University of Edinburgh (Robertson Construction Central East)
- Hamiltonhill for Queens Cross Housing Association (Urban Union)
Bronze Award:
- Bolton Central Library for Bolton Council (Robertson Construction North West)
- Clifton Youth Centre at the Green Clifton for Salford City Council (Robertson Construction North West)
- Shay Grange Crematorium, also known as Heaton Crematorium, for City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Robertson Construction Yorkshire & East Midlands)
- West One for Bruntwood Limited (Robertson Construction Yorkshire & East Midlands)
- Leonardo & Thorsby for McLaren Property (Robertson Construction Yorkshire & East Midlands)
- Murray Health for University of Sunderland (Robertson Construction North East)
- East End Campus for Dundee City Council (Robertson Construction Tayside)
- Harris Academy for Dundee City Council (Robertson Construction Tayside)
- Innovation Hub for Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc (Robertson Construction Tayside)
- Wilson House for University of Dundee (Robertson Construction Tayside)
- Riverside Primary School for Perth and Kinross Council (Robertson Construction Tayside)
- Kirkintilloch Community Sports Complex for East Dunbartonshire Council (Robertson Construction Central West)
Teams collected their awards at the ceremonies in Edinburgh and Manchester
Elliot Robertson, Chief Executive Officer, Robertson Group, said: “This is fantastic recognition for numerous outstanding projects across Robertson. We are committed to exceeding industry standards and achieving best practice across all our sites, so I am delighted to see so many of our project teams recognised at the National Site Awards.
“As a strategic delivery partner of choice across the UK, it is as important to our customers, as it is to us, that we are a considerate neighbour and that we generate community wealth in the areas where we work whilst providing a catalyst for further economic wellbeing. It’s great testament to the excellent work that our teams are doing that we have been recognised for such a diverse range of projects across our regions.”
Robertson is a proud member of the CCS, which has a Code of Considerate Practice designed to encourage best practice beyond compulsory requirements.
Businesses across Robertson have received numerous perfect site scores from CCS assessors against the Code of Considerate Practice, including Robertson Construction Tayside achieving 10 faultless site scores in a row.
For further information on the National Site Awards, visit: CCS National Awards - Considerate Constructors Scheme (ccscheme.org.uk)