Procuring projects quickly, with best value and lasting social impact
Our place on national and regional frameworks, and strategic partnerships, assures you – our public and private sector customers – that we will successfully deliver essential, cost-effective and high-quality infrastructure, alongside long-lasting community benefits.
Using a framework agreement or strategic partnership, you can accelerate procurement and delivery of a project, services or works using a fully compliant route to a pre-approved group of suppliers. All costs including overheads and profit are defined and fixed within the agreement, saving time and money from the outset. This allows us to engage early with you and focus fully on your needs.
A solution for any sector
There is a route to market to suit all types of work, sectors and customers – from public organisations, private companies and charities to public/private joint ventures.
Solutions across the UK
Our place on national and regional frameworks means that we work in partnership to develop projects using the best route for you – wherever you are based.
Fully compliant
As a delivery partner our frameworks and partnerships are fully compliant. We ensure a mutually agreed form of contract that meets your needs, and assign a dedicated Framework Manager to oversee each project to ensure compliance from start to finish.