Museum of Fire McDonald Road, Edinburgh
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Recreating the Edinburgh Museum of fire
Robertson is returning the Edinburgh Museum of Fire to its original home at McDonald Road Fire Station where it operated for 25 years before its move to Lauriston Place.
An exciting project for Robertson
We are proud to be collaborating again with the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service on the development of their McDonald Road Fire Station, in the heart of the capital, to include the Edinburgh Museum of Fire.
Operating under unique circumstances
This project has been significant as the site remains a fully functioning fire station throughout all phases of the construction process. Being a key service for the surrounding area as well as the Scottish Parliament, it is essential that this has remained unaffected.
We have been able to create temporary areas on site to accommodate all firefighters along with the existing area for up to six fire vehicles and training facilities for working at height. Most of the existing fire station are being retained such as the firepoles, with all of the internal aspects being refurbished.
Creating a new purpose-built facility
The existing fire station is being redeveloped and expanded to create space for the Fire Museum, along with regional headquarters and facilities for support staff.
We are creating a space that will act as a community engagement centre and used to educate local children on the past, present and future of the fire service along with teaching them crucial safety advice.
The combination of historical artefacts dating back over 400 years with modern, innovative and interactive displays, will make the museum suitable for all ages and interests.
Project team
Architect: Smith Scott Mullen & Associates
Project manager: Pick Everard
Principal contractor: Robertson Central East
Civil & structural engineer: Pick Everard
M&E engineer: Pick Everard
Procurement route
The project was procured through the Scape Major Works Scotland framework, part of the National Construction framework. Scape Group is a public sector owned built environment specialist offering a full suite of national frameworks and innovative design solutions.