Ebor House, Bridlington
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Building Safety Works at the only high rise residential block in Bridlington
The project involved the removal of the existing external wall system and its replacement with an insulated render system to comply with BS:8414 and BRE 135 standards. The external façade was overclad with an expanded polystyrene insulated render, mechanically fixed to the brickwork/masonry structure of the building.
1,899 m2
cladding replaced
Resident Safety and Communication
Extensive discussions with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and regular liaison with residents ensured their safety and the continuity of works. During the cladding removal the evacuation strategy was changed from “Stay Put” to “Simultaneous Evacuation”, following which we successfully implemented an enhanced Waking Watch, and an alternative fire escape route was installed. A single point of contact was created for residents and letter drops updating tenants on current and forthcoming works were distributed.
Structural Remediation
Upon removing the render, damage was discovered on the East Sea-facing walls and the North and South gables, which affected the building’s structural integrity. Remedial works to these areas were included in our project scope. The additional works included roofing, removal of balconies (including timber elements within brickwork), replacement of brick ties, remediation of brickwork and structural repairs, infilling gaps adjacent to windows, and remedial works to window frames.
Local Employment and Economic Contribution
Over 50% of the permanent site resources were employed from the Bridlington area, including our Gateman, Site Security, and site labour. Traveling subcontractors stayed in local Bridlington accommodation, positively contributing to the local economy.