Colquhoun Park flood alleviation scheme
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Protecting the Bearsden area with flood alleviation
The project was developed to address flood risk to a number of properties in Conon Avenue in the Bearsden area of Glasgow. An extensive earthworks operation created a detention basin and drainage solution to protect adjacent properties.
East Dunbartonshire Council commissioned an investigation to determine why flooding was occurring in the Conon Avenue area of Bearsden, Glasgow. The work included identifying potential options to reduce flood risk.
The site consists of parkland adjacent to Conon Avenue, which provides access to residential properties and Colquhoun Park. Review of Service Providers records has determined that there are numerous buried services within the area, including high voltage electricity supply cables (33kV) and transmission lines (132kV).

To prevent the reoccurrence of flooding, we developed a new wetland pond and used the existing, disused skating pond to provide a new detention pond.
The work consisted of re-profiling the existing parkland to create the new retention pond, including excavation, backfilling, reinstatement and ground raising along Conon Avenue to create a rollover bund. This involved topsoil strip, placement of excavated material and replacement of topsoil and seeding. We also constructed embankments to contain water within the detention pond.
As well as this, construction of an embankment around the eastern end of the new playground area, and general ground raising / landscaping between the retention pond and the new playground was achieved using site-won materials.
Other works included:
- Earthworks operations
- associated drainage works
- construction of a pedestrian footway, with consideration of pedestrians and bicycles using the park
- landscaping and tree planting

Keeping residents informed
This project was conducted in a live, public environment close to residential housing and schools. This sensitivity meant that regular, close communication with the public was needed to keep them informed of the works taking place.
Prior to the project commencing, the Project Manager attended a community liaison meeting organised by EDC and Scottish Water. Regular community newsletters were also distributed.
The success of our approach was demonstrated in letters we received from members of the public thanking and praising us for the work carried out.
Going the extra mile to protect the environment
We discovered the presence of Japanese knotweed and Himalayan balsam in a few isolated areas of the site. Signage and fencing were used to delineate these areas and prevent spread of these invasive non-native species.
East Dunbartonshire Council brought in a tree consultant who made weekly visits to ensure we take the utmost care not to damage the trees. Root protection measures were used to avoid soil compaction and damage of the root systems.
Additionally, a major requirement was to protect existing watercourses, specifically during times where rainfall increased the flood risk.