11 July 2023
Robertson signs up to the Young Person’s Guarantee
Robertson Group has confirmed its pledge to the Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG), a Scottish Government initiative which supports our current commitment to the next generation.
Introduced in November 2020, in direct response to challenges brought by the Covid-19 Pandemic, the YPG brings together employers, partners and young people, with the aim of connecting every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to either a job; apprenticeship; further or higher education; training; volunteering; or an enterprise opportunity.
With support from 21 regional Developing Young Workforce (DYW) groups located throughout Scotland, Robertson is to deliver '5 Asks' throughout its initial 12-month commitment from October 2022 to the YPG.
- Prepare young people for the world of work.
- Help all young people to achieve their potential.
- Invest in a skilled workforce.
- Create jobs, volunteering and training opportunities.
- Create an inclusive and fair workplace.
The YPG aligns with the Robertson 2030 Responsible Business Strategy. By 2030, Robertson will have enhanced the lives of 10,000 people, by creating work placements and job opportunities, and by supporting apprenticeships, upskilling and new qualifications.
Between October 2022 and June 2023, Robertson supported and provided opportunities to over 500 16 to 24 year olds in Scotland as part of its commitment to the YPG.
Elliot Robertson, Chief Executive Officer, Robertson Group, said: "Robertson has always placed an emphasis on encouraging the next generation, it's part of who we are as a business. We fully support the Young Person's Guarantee, which assists us in formalising our approach to encouraging and empowering young individuals from a variety of backgrounds and capabilities into an exciting career in our sector.
"As an employer, we must equip our workforce with the right skills and experience whilst putting young people at the heart of what we do. Through an array of fantastic career opportunities, educational support, and resources, Robertson assists young people of different ages and backgrounds to have meaningful careers and be the best version of themselves."
Mark Henderson, Head of Community Impact, said: "At Robertson, we have a strong commitment to the development of our young people. The Young Person's Guarantee complements our current commitment to the next generation and will assist our key stakeholders with employability and skills development.
"Through our team of community impact advisors and supporting stakeholders, we will continue to build closer links with underrepresented young people from diverse backgrounds, needs, and ability, to create purposeful and sustainable engagement programmes and career opportunities."
Robertson is committed to attracting, supporting, developing, and retaining young people and ensuring they achieve their full potential and career aspirations. Robertson is working to improve the diversity of its workforce by attracting a new generation and building a strong talent pipeline to assure the future sustainability of the business.
For more information on the YPG - Home - Young Person's Guarantee (dyw.scot)
DYW plays a key part in the delivery of the Young Person's Guarantee. They are employer led with a priority to make it easier for employers to connect with young people in schools and colleges across Scotland.