9 March 2021
Frameworks Scotland 3 appoints RMF Health as Principal Supply Chain Partner
Frameworks Scotland 3 Appoint RMF Health as Principal Supply Chain Partner
RMF Health, a consortium between Robertson and FES, has secured a place on Frameworks Scotland 3, a national framework for the delivery of publicly funded health and social care construction projects in Scotland
With an estimated value of £650 million, the framework will allow RMF Health to continue its ongoing presence within the health and social care market as a Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP). RMF Health previously secured a place on both Frameworks Scotland 1 and 2 and has gained invaluable experience in the healthcare sector during this time.
Running until 2025, the procurement route offered through Frameworks Scotland 3 will be utilised by NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special Health Boards, Integrated Joint Boards (IJB's) and other organisations within the sector.
The focus of the projects through Frameworks Scotland 3 is for new build, refurbishment and backlog maintenance projects in the Scottish health and social care sector. The framework enables organisations direct access to RMF Health to support the delivery of these construction, refurbishment & maintenance projects.
Over the last 10 years RMF Health has been a principal supply chain partner for Framework Scotland and we are delighted to be continuing our relationship. We have been involved in a number of key projects with NHS Boards across Scotland and we look forward to progressing, and further improving upon, the excellent foundations we have built throughout Health Frameworks 1 and 2, and to further enhance our relationships within the health and social care sectors who can utilise Frameworks Scotland for their procurement.
Gordon James, Director of Health Facilities Scotland said: "Our NHS is under immense pressure due to the current pandemic, and the need for future-proof healthcare facilities is paramount. Frameworks Scotland 3 provides our customers with peace-of-mind, knowing we have a team of leading construction firms like RMF Health, eager to support new build and refurbishment projects.
"Following our success with the recent NHS Louisa Jordan development we are looking forward to progressing a range of exciting and meaningful projects across NHS Scotland."
Frameworks Scotland 3 is a framework managed by Health Facilities Scotland, a service under NHS National Services Scotland. It simplifies the procurement processes for new build, refurbishment and backlog maintenance projects in the Scottish health and social care sector. A Principal Supply Chain Partner (PSCP) will be appointed to act as a one stop shop' solution provider, carrying out a diverse range of design, planning and construction via their integrated supply chains. Having a Frameworks Scotland 3 PSCP for a project helps ensure the best value and quality, shared learning and overall peace of mind.
RMF Health has delivered a wide variety of projects which include the NHS Grampian Mathew Hay Building (Emergency Care Centre) and Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Refurbishment Project under Health Framework 1. Whilst Framework 2 has secured the NHS Lothian Western General Hospital Programme of Works; NHS Lothian St Johns Elective Care Centre and Programme of Works; NHS Grampian Elective Care Centre, works at Dr Greys Hospital, Elgin and delivery at NHS Louisa Jordan.
The new framework will support collaboration, best practice, development, design and delivery of construction & infrastructure projects and strategies at national, regional, and local levels.